About This Blog

I entitled this blog “One Story.” “Why was that, Lauren?” You might ask. And since I probably won’t be sitting next to you when you utter those words under your breath, I wrote out the reason here for your convenience (and mine, so I don’t have to sit by you waiting to answer that question when it undoubtedly comes up).

The phrase “One Story” expresses a big part of the lens through which I view myself and my life. I am a child of God and I believe He is in control over this entire world, my life and circumstances included. I’m one of the stories He is writing. Therefore, when I am down and discouraged, “one STORY” reminds me that God is orchestrating this timeline I find myself tethered to. He’s in control and He’s writing this thing. It’s important enough to Him to keep it going — to let me turn another page. And when I’m (heaven forbid) feeling rash, reckless, or in control of my own universe, “ONE story” reminds me that God has a plan not just for me but for all the people around me. I’m not any better than any brother or sister next to me, who has a story that is just as important to God as mine is. Therefore when I feel like judging someone, assuming things about them, or being upset by the things they do or say, I can remember that they, like me, have a story that God cares about more than I will ever be able to know or understand.


2 thought on “About This Blog”

  1. Anon

    Thank you so much for sharing such a significant and personal part of your life with such honesty and openness. I can feel the love and care you’ve poured into navigating this journey, and I deeply admire the courage it took to step into a space where emotions, faith, and relationships are so intertwined.

    Your relationship with JT and the process you’ve been through, seeking God’s guidance and wrestling with difficult questions, is clearly central to your story. I truly respect how you’ve approached this with such a heart for understanding and faith.

    At the same time, I have to be honest—I’m struggling to see how this situation fits within the context of your faith. I’ve always believed that the teachings of the Bible call for a different path, and I’m finding it hard to reconcile what I understand with what you’ve shared. I don’t say this out of judgment, but because I genuinely want to understand how you’ve come to this place in your faith journey.

    I would appreciate hearing more about how you’ve arrived at peace with this, and how you’ve reconciled it with your relationship with God.

    1. LSchwaar Post author


      I so appreciate you taking the time to write this and I appreciate your care! I’m not sure who this is or I’d reach out directly. If you want to reach out to me with your name, please do and I’d always be happy to chat more.



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