Hello there! Whether you know me in person or you stumbled across this blog by some cybernet wrong turn, I’m glad you’re here. Feel free to stick around. This blog is the running account of God's crazy story that He's writing with my life. You’ll also see other stuff in here too -- occasional poetry, lyrics, recorded songs, etc. Leave comments. It’s encouraged. And for what it’s worth, I hope these pieces of me and my thoughts give you something to think about yourself. I’m glad you’re here.
1. Read.
2. Think.
3. Comment.
(Not necessarily in that order.)
I'm a vocational vagabond. I dabble in things like traveling, writing, coaching, music-ing, etc. I try to follow Jesus and trust Him with everything. I'm not very good at that yet.
I enjoy writing music, working out, playing guitar, editing papers, having deep conversations, being known, family, collecting interesting sticks, chocolate chip cookies, cooking, collecting weird things like hotsauce and luggage, perusing thrift stores, listening to GOOD music, thinking about things, nice days, ocean views, adventure, horses, fall, running, pulling pranks, playing basketball, teaching basketball, watching basketball, hypothesizing about basketball, jokes (especially corny ones), a job well done, inspiration, trips, and dreaming up crazy things to do just to say I did them.
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