Moonlight and the Sea (Poem) September 19, 2021 LSchwaar Sketchbook For your pleasure this morning, a poem I wrote in 2011 that I thought about last night while seeing the sun dress the San Diego harbor: Follow the silver parkwayThe marshal of nightly hosts precedingThe way is clearly illuminatedWith darkness to either sideThe path churns idly,Waiting for its pilgrimFraught with danger and cold,The body not withstandingBut for the journey,The prize is worth the priceYour destination lies beyond the horizon,Where no man has yet tread –The coalescence of the moonlight and the sea. -LS Poem
Chris October 7, 2021 at 10:03 am “while seeing the sun dress the San Diego harbor:” What a line. Reply ↓
“while seeing the sun dress the San Diego harbor:”
What a line.
Thanks bud.