Fall 2024: A Full Season

(Written October 1st)

I write from an airplane carrying me from LAX (Los Angeles) to ORD (Chicago). I’ll soon join my Midwest-based family for a whirlwind three days, a trip within a trip, before flying back to California to re-join my brother and then my fiancée for the second of two West Coast weddings, the first this past weekend and the second in a week and a half from now.

That was wild to say. We were just reflecting over the past day or two how unexpected and crazy and bizarre in a beautiful way it is to say “fiancée”, referring to my own. Wild.

JT and I get hitched in less than two months from now, adding a base-layer of complexity to our lives at the moment. She has lots of work-related and life-related tasks and responsibilities on her plate, as do I, over the coming couple months. I also have a lot I’m managing, not the least of which has been excursions like the one(s) we’re currently executing. It has been a somewhat stressful season of many things and responsibilities all hanging in the balance at once. I think probably too many things, as both she and I are somewhat prone to take on at one time. We will survive; the things that need to get done will get done (or they won’t and the show will still go on); and hopefully we’ll catch up on sleep and discretionary time in latter November. Until then we’ll press on. ????

Thinking about lots these days that feel hard to articulate in a blog post. Thinking about life; friendships; communication; hard questions; what really matters; loss and pain and joy; and not missing what’s in front of me. Learning the hard way that I waste a lot of time and energy on being angry. Learning (too slowly) that there aren’t many things worth being hurt or upset over. Asking God questions. Reading sad books about veterans of the Vietnam War and children growing up in the front half of the 1900s. Consternating over decisions about career, business, wedding, schedule, priorities, and whether or not to succumb to the allure of getting a dog. Being inspired with ideas for the future; feeling joy about uniting my life with JT’s; feeling thankful for respites and good days and lovely times with friends and road trips and the abundant good available in this season of which I easily lose sight. Thank You God for seasons that are full.

Here’s hoping the next chapter allows a little bit of slowness though?

Until next,


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