I write from a homey office in Munich where some family has graciously hosted me and have been kind enough to help me experience quintessential Germany. I don’t have long to write but wanted to update everyone — I have concrete plans to return to the States!
After I leave Munich I will make a brief visit to Geneva, Switzerland to reconnect with a former pastor who is now doing ministry there. I’m excited to see him and learn more about his work in Geneva with seminary students. Then from there, I will fly back to the good ole’ Windy City and this particular epic adventure will come to a close.
After much searching and praying, I believe God has opened the next door for me. Though there are myriad details still to be arranged, I plan to become a graduate assistant at Trinity International University and work with the women’s basketball program. Since it is my dream to coach women’s collegiate basketball, this opportunity is hugely exciting to me and I believe God is calling me to be a part of this program in particular.
That means that, if all works out, I will be landing back in northern Chicagoland! I am excited for a new chapter. Right now, details are still hazy and I wanted to post mostly because I wanted to ask for your prayers — I need God’s help in a huge way to orchestrate the details and logistics. While the position is open for me, there are numerous things that need to work out to make it possible for me to actually take it. I’m praying hard that God will be faithful and work out those details and I’d love your prayers for that as well. However, I’m tentatively excited and most of all excited that I’ll get to see a lot of you hopefully very soon!
I hope to write more recap about my trip imminently. Love you all.
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