In Print (Musing)

Thinking yesterday about how print calcifies words and makes an author’s sentiments susceptible to all manner of slander, misinterpretation, and malleability. I’ve heard many a thought leader discuss how their books or blogs or written materials have been put through the wringer by people who, both maliciously and ignorantly, mis-take the things they say. Releasing writing into the world puts a target on an author’s back.

My next thought was about how God put Himself in print – a risky thing to do, considering how we so mangle and muddle written words.

He was willing to communicate through a text – one that’s lasted through multiple milennia of translation, transportation, transmutation, dissection, dissent, resistance, turmoil, debate, confusion, adherance, disobedience, misuse, abuse, discrediting, misunderstanding, and misapplying. In fact, when Jesus came in the rough middle of the Bible’s developmental timeline, He spent a lot of His time trying to point out how we were already getting the Bible and its words hopelessly wrong a lot of the time. And it’s probably only worsened since.

God sure is bold. I don’t understand why He does what He does most of the time.


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